Vatican head visits new "boondocks":

Vatican head visits new "boondocks":

BANGKOK - Pope Francis, the pioneer of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics, would have liked to put his stamp on Asia amid his late six-day visit to Sri Lanka and the Philippines.

Of Asia's 140 million Catholics, an expected 73 million are Filipino. East Timor and the Philippines are the main Asian nations with Catholic greater parts.

"Asia is one of the best outskirts of the congregation of our times, and Pope Francis is demonstrating to it with his eager voyages," Vatican representative Federico Lombardi said in front of the visit, which finished Jan. 19.

In the College of Cardinals, the gathering of senior Catholic ministers that chooses the congregation's pioneer, Pope Francis as of late declared new arrangements in Thailand and Vietnam. In Myanmar, blunt Archbishop Charles Maung Bo was named the nation's first cardinal.

"The two major issues in Myanmar are the common war in the Kachin territory and the issues of [the Rohingya] Muslim minority in Rakhine State," Bo told the Nikkei Asian Review in November. Bo additionally talked in backing of the Rohingya in his Christmas message.

Compensating for lost time

The pope's outing to Sri Lanka and the Philippines takes after a visit to South Korea a year ago - the first to Asia by a pontiff since 1999, when Pope John Paul II visited India. St. John Paul, who was sainted in 2014, made 104 universal treks amid his papacy.

Pope Francis' outings to Asia address reactions by provincial church pioneers, who may feel they have been dismissed by Rome since 1999.

"The unique thing about the visits Pope Francis makes is his emphasis on the poor and penniless in every nation he sets out to," Father Mick Kelly, official executive of, the congregation's Asian news administration, told the Nikkei Asian Review. "John Paul II didn't disregard poor people, obviously. It's simply that Francis highlights their vicinity and needs."

Christianity - Catholicism specifically - is surging over the locale, particularly in South Korea, Vietnam, China and India, Kelly said. "The Catholic Church is developing exponentially. In Vietnam, since 1975, we have evaluated development from around 1.9 million to today's 6.8 million - so its trebled in 40 years."

Kelly said there were between 17 million and 20 million Catholics crosswise over India, a rate of extension that "keeps pace with the development in the all inclusive community."

In South Korea, Christianity has kept on pulling in new adherents since World War II. It now checks 30% of the populace as devoted - the same level as Buddhism in the nation. The quantity of Catholics among South Korea's Christians has multiplied since 1990 to 5.4 million, or a little more than 10% of the populace, with around 100,000 absolutions a year, Kelly said.

China is the greatest focus for the congregation. There are upwards of 100 million Christians on the planet's most crowded country, as indicated by a few appraisals. However somewhere around 70% and 80% are Protestants, with the Catholic group separated between an authority church authorized by the Communist Party and a more famous "underground" church.

The state-affirmed Catholic Church's appraisal of its China group has stayed unaltered for a long time to guarantee that "the Communist Party doesn't get agitated about it," Kelly said. He included: "It is each Jesuit's fantasy to make companions with, contact, and experience the advancement of the Chinese individuals. It is the Church's extraordinary skyline."

The pope and Chinese President Xi Jinping have traded letters and telegrams, taking after many years of no correspondence between the Vatican and Beijing. Anyway there are claims that Xi is directing an against Christianity battle in and around Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, one of China's most Christian urban areas. Some accept Xi will expand that crusade to different parts of the nation.

There is little uncertainty Francis will come back to Asia sooner rather than later, Kelly said. "He hasn't been to India and China yet, which are the two major fruits."


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