Canadian incapacity pioneer Vanier wins Templeton Prize

WNO-London - Jean Vanier, who established a spearheading worldwide system of private groups for individuals with and without mental incapacities, on Wednesday won the 2015 Templeton Prize, which respects "business people of the soul". Stunned by the conditions inside mental foundations, the previous officer in the Canadian Navy surrendered everything in 1964 to live with two rationally incapacitated men in a town in northern France, which immediately pulled in new inhabitants. More than after 50 years, Vanier, 86, still lives at the group and there are currently 147 "L'Arche" private groups working in 35 nations. The Templeton Foundation reported the $1.7 million recompense amid a question and answer session at London's British Academy on Wednesday. Late tycoon financial specialist and giver John Templeton built the prize in 1972 to distinguish "business visionaries of the soul". Past beneficiaries of the prize, incorporate Mother Teres...