
Showing posts from July, 2015

Eighteen-year-old Canadian wins prestigious arithmetic rivalry

WNO-CANADA-EDUCATION- A 18-year-old Canadian has won the prestigious International Mathematical Olympiad in Thailand. Alex Song recorded an uncommon flawless score in a week ago's rival including more than 600 of the world's top secondary school math understudies. With the win Song turns into the unsurpassed pioneer in the opposition with five gold awards and one bronze amid his profession. Math Team Canada completed ninth in the 104 country rivalry. While Song says he's satisfied with his most recent triumph, he includes that it wasn't generally that huge an arrangement. His mentor, pioneer of Math Team Canada, can't help disagreeing. Jacob Tsimerman, a math educator at the University of Toronto, says "Alex is one of a kind and bound for significance." Tune experienced childhood in Waterloo, Ontario, before moving to New Hampshire to begin secondary school in 2011. He says he wants to ponder unadulterated arithmetic at Princeton Univer